2016년 8월 28일 일요일

Good Brothers

의좋은 형제 Brothers with Good Relationship

1. 어느 마을에 의좋기로 소문난 형제가 살았어요. 형제는 무엇이든 서로 챙겨 주곤 했답니다.
 In one village, there are two brothers who were well-known for their good relationship. they always looked out for each other's best

2. 형제는 열심히 벼농사를 지었어요. 가을이 되자, 형제는 거둬들인 볏단을 똑같이 나누어 가졌어요
They worked hare on the rice of field. when autumn came, they harvested the rice and split it half

3. 형은 자신의 볏단을 덜어 아우에게 갖다 놓았어요. 일을 많이 한 아우가 많이 가져야 한다는 것이 형의 생각이었지요.
Later the older brother took some sheaves of rice from his pile to his younger brother's pile. He thought that his younger brother deserved more because he worked hard

4. 아우도 볏단을 들고 가서 형의 볏단 위에 쌓아 놓았어요. 형님은 식구가 많으니까 양식이 많이 들거라는 게 아우의 생각이었지요.
The younger brother took some sheaves from his rice pile to his older brother's pile. he thought that his brother needed more rice since he had larger family.

5. 다음날 자신들의 볏단이 그대로 있는 것을 보고 형과 아우는 고개를 갸웃거렸어요
The next day, they saw their rice piles same as before and wondered why.

6. 다시 밤이 되자, 형은 볏단을 지고 아우의 집으로 향했어요. 그런데 저쪽에서도 누군가가 볏단을 지고 오는 것이었어요.
That night, the older brother headed to his brother's house with some sheaves of rice.
In the meantime, someone was approaching with some sheaves of rice.

7. 맞은편에서 오는 사람은 아우였어요. " 형님께서 제 집에 볏단을 갖다 놓았군요"
"아우야, 내가 내 집에 볏단을 놓았구나!" 형과 아우가 서로 손을 잡고 웃자 밝은 달님도 형제를 환히 비추며 웃었어요.
The person coming toward him was his younger brother. " My brother, it was you who brought some sheaves of rice to my house."
"Oh, my brother! you put your sheaves of rice at my house!"
The moon shone bright light on them as the brothers held each other's hands and smile

1 page from Neddie's note 

2 page


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