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옛날, 얼굴에 커다란 혹이 달리 할아버지가 살았어요. 할아버지는 마음씨가 착하고 노래 부르기를 좋아했지요.
동네 사람들은 혹부리 할아버지를 놓려댔어요. 하지만 혹부리 할아버지는 껄껄 웃기만 했지요.
Once upon a time, there was an old mam with a large lump on his chin.
he was cheerful and loved singing
Town people made fun of him. but he always laughed off.
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산에 일하러 간 혹부리 할아버지는 쉬는 동안 노래를 불렀어요.
그러다 밤이 되어 잠잘 곳을 찾아다녔지요.
그러다 빈 집 한채를 발견하고 안으로 들어갔어요. 너무 무서워서 또 노래를 불렀어요.
그때 도깨비들이 나타났어요.
One day, he worked in the woods and sang during his breaks.
when the night fell, he looked for a place to stay.
Finally, he found an empty house and went inside. He was so scared that he sang and sang. then goblins showed up.
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"노래를 잘 부르네. 이 혹이 노래 주머니인 모양이군."
도깨비들은 할아버지에게 많은 보석을 주고 혹을 떼어 갔어요.
"He sings well. The lump must be the source of good singing voice."
the goblins paid him with lots of jewelry and took the lump
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다음날, 마을에는 혹부리 할아버지의 소문이 퍼졌어요.
혹도 떼고 부자도 될 수 있는 방법을 알려달라며 아우성이었지요.
혹부리 할아버지는 사실대로 얘기해 주었어요.
그날밤, 욕심쟁이 혹부리 할아버지가 도깨비를 집으로 찾아갔어요.
The next day, everyone in town heard about the old man. people asked him to reveal the secret of removing the lump and becoming rich and at the same time.
He told people the truth.
That night, a greedy old man with a lump went to the house of goblins.
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그가 노래를 부르고 있을 때 도깨비들이 나타났어요.
"우리가 또 속을 줄 알아? 그렇게 좋은 주머니라면 하나 더 가져라."
그는 혹 떼러 갔다가 혹 하나를 더 붙여서 왔답니다.
When he was singing, the goblins showed up.
"Do you think we are fools? take this lump with you."
The greedy old man who went there to get rid of his lump came back with another lump.
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