2016년 9월 18일 일요일

Yellow Cow and Black Cow

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옛날, 어느 마을에 한 선비가 살았어요. 어려움에 처한 사람들을 늘 자기 일처럼 도와주는 착한 선비였어요.
Once upon time, there was a scholar in one village. He always helped people in need
as if it was his job

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선비는 어느 날 길을 가다가 나무 밑 그늘에 앉아 잠시 쉬고 있었어요. 그때 농부의 목소리가 들였어요. " 이랴! 누렁소 착한 소! 검정소 착한 소! 자, 오늘도 열심히 일하자 ! "
One day, he was on the road and decided to rest under a shady tree
then he heard a farmer's voice " Come on! My good Yellow Cow! MY good Black Cow!
Let's work hard today as always!"

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건너편 밭에서 누렁소와 검정소가 농부의 말에 따라 사이좋게 일을 하고 있었어요.
 '음, 어떤 소가 일을 더 잘할까?' 선비는 갑자기 궁금해졌어요.
Both yellow and black cows worked hard on the field side by side as the farmer had told them to
'Hmm, I wonder which cow does a better job.' Suddednly, the scholar wanted to find out the truth.

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"누렁소와 검정소 중 어떤 소가 일을 더 잘하지요?"
선비가 농부에게 물어봤으나 농부는 대답 대신 빙그레 웃기만 하는 거예요.
농부는 선비에게로 다가와 귓속말로 속삭였어요. " 검정소가 누렁소보다 나아요"
" Which out of the two does a better job?" asked the scholar.
At his question, the farmer responded with a smile
the farmer walked up to the scholar and whispered in his ears. " the black cow is better than the yellow cow"

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그런데 왜 농부는 선비에게 귓속말을 했을까요?
"아무리 짐승이라도 자기가 남보다 못하다는 이야기를 들으면 기분이 좋지 않을 것입니다." 선비는 농부의 이 말에 큰 교훈을 얻었다고 해요
Why did the farmer whisper in the man's ear? " Even animals are not happy to hear that they are not doing as well as others."
the scholar learned a great lesson from the farmer

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