2016년 10월 18일 화요일

Strange Spring Water

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어느 산골에 마음씨가 착하고 부지런한 할아버지와 할머니가 살고 있었어요.
"우리에게 아이만 있다면 더 이상 부러울 게 없을 텐데."
할머니의말에 할아버지가 위로 했어요. "
"걱정 말아요. 우리에게 아이가 생길 줄 누가 알겠소?"
In one mountain village, lived a kind-hearted and hard-working old couple.
"we would have noting to desire if we had a child."
when the wife said so, the husband comforted her saying.
"Don't worry. who knows when we will have our own chlid?"

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할아버지는 지게를 지고 산으로 나무를 하러 갔어요. 할아버지는 노래를 부르며 열심히 일을 했어요. 한참을 일하는데 예쁜 새 한 마리가 날아았어요. 한참을 일하는데 예쁜 새 한마리가 날아왔어요. 그런데 할아버지가 다가가면 도망가고, 다가가면 또 도망가는 거예요.
He carried his A-frame to the woods to gather some firewood. he sang while he did his work.
suddenly, a pretty bird landed next to him. when the man reached the bird, it flew away. when he walked up to the bird, it flew away from him further.  

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새를 쫓아간 그곳에 옹달샘이 있었어요. "오호! 이런 데 샘물이 다 있다니."
할아버지는 그 샘물을 마시고 잠이 들었어요.
할아버지가 지게에 나무를 가득 싣고 집으로 돌아왔을때 할머니는 깜짝 놀랐어요. 할아버지가 너무 젊어져 있었거든요.
He found a spring as he was chasing the bird.
"wow! I never knew there is a spring here." the man drank some spring water and fell asleep.
when he returned to his home with A-frame full of firewood. He had become so much younger !

다음날 할아버지는 할머니를 데리고 그 샘물로 갔어요. 샘물을 마시자 할머니도 역시 젊은 새색시로 변했어요. 이 소문을 들은 이웃집 할아버지가 샘물을 찾아갔어요.
응애! 응애!
이웃집 할아버지는 샘물을 너무 마셔 아기가 되었어요. 할아버지와 할머니는 이 아기를 키우며 행복하게 살았대요.
The following day, he took his wife to the spring. when she drank some spring water, she turned into a young woman.
when their neighbor heard about it, he went to the spring.
"wah! wah!
The man drank too much and turned into a baby. so the couple took the baby and lived happily raising the baby

2016년 10월 10일 월요일

Bean Porridge Lady and a Tiger

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옛날, 팥죽을 잘 쑤는 할머니가 밤송이, 송곳, 달걀, 오리, 맷돌, 지게 등과 함께 산속 오두막에서 살고 있었어요 .
어느 날 할머니가 밭에 팥을 심고 있는데 커다란 호랑이가 나타났어요.
"할멈을 잡아 먹어야 겠다."

Once upon a time, an old lady who was good at making bean porridge was living with Chestnut Burr, Awl, Egg, Duck, Millstone and A-frame in a small hut on a mountain.
One day, she was planting beans when a huge tiger appeared. " I am going to eat you"

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" 이번 동짓날 팥죽을 쑤고 나면 그때 잡아먹어라." 할머니가 애원하자 호랑이는 고개를 끄덕였어요. " 좋아, 할멈. 그때 오기로 하지."
어느새 동짓날이 다가왔어요. 할머니는 눈물을 흘리며  팥죽을 만들었지요.
"Eat me after I make some bean porridge on Winter Solstice, will you?"
she pleaded to the tiger, so the tiger nodded his head. " Alright, lady. I am going to come back that day!"

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그때 밤송이가 물었어요. " 할머니, 왜 울어?"
" 이 팥죽이 마지막이라 생각하니 눈물이 난다. "
할머니는 맛있는 팥죽을 송곳, 달걀, 오리, 맷돌, 지게에게 나눠 주었어요.
"애들아, 맛있는 팥죽을 얻어먹었으니 우리가 할머니를 도와드리자! "
Chestnut Burr asked her, " Lady, why are you crying?"
" The fact that this can be my last bean porridge makes me cry."
she gave the tasty bean porridge to her friends: Awl, Egg,Duck,Millstone, and A-frame.
"Guys! let's help the lady since she fed us her delicious bean porridge! "

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" 할멈, 약속대로 잡아먹으러 왔다.! "
호랑이가 나타났을 때 밤송이가 달려들어 호랑이의 눈을 찔렀어요. 다음엔 송곳이, 아파서 펄쩍펄쩍 뛰던 호랑이는 달걀을 밟아 미끄러졌지요.
"Lady, I came back to eat you as we talked about !"
then, Chestnut Burr ran into the tiger and pricked his eyes. so did Awl. the tiger jumped up and down from pain. he stepped on Egg and slipped.

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오리가 부리로 콱콱 쪼고, 맷돌이 호랑이를 때렸어요. 기절한 호랑이를 지게가 업고 나가 강물에 버렸어요. 그 후로 할머니는 팥죽을 쑤며 오래오래 살았대요.
Duck pecked the tiger's head with her beak, and Millstone hit the tiger's head.
Once the tiger was knocked out, A-frame carried the tiger to the river and dumped him there. According to hearsay, the lady lived a long life making delicious bean porridge


2016년 10월 2일 일요일

Snail Bride

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부지런한 한 청년이 일을  하다 잠시 쉬면서 말했어요.
"이 곡식들을 누구랑 먹고 살까?"
"저랑 같이 먹지요."
대답하는 소리가 들렸지만 주위엔 우렁이 한 마리뿐이었어요.

A diligent young man who was working hard said as he sat down to take a break.
"with whom shall I share my food?"
"with me"  
He heard the voice but there was nothing but a freshwater snail nearby

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청년이 우렁이를 데려와 물 항아리에 넣었어요. 그런데 그날 부터 부엌엔 아침밥이 차려져 있는게 아니겠어요? 청년은 일하러 가는 척하며 몰래 숨어 있었어요. 그러자 물 항아리에서 우렁이가 예쁜 아가씨로 변해 나왔어요. 청년는 그녀에게 결혼해달라고 애원했어요.

The young man took the freshwater snail to his house and put it in the water pot.
To his surprise, breakfast was prepared from the following morning
One day, he pretended he was going to work and watched. He saw the freshwater snail transforming into a beautiful girl. The young man pleaded the girl to marry him.

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두 사람은 결혼을 했고 행복하게 살았어요. 그들의 소문이 온 마을에 퍼졌지요.
마을의 사또도 몰래 우렁각시의 모습을 훔쳐보았어요. 그는 그녀에게 반해 우렁각시를 빼앗기로 했지요.
Two people got married and live happily. The whole town came to know about them
The district magistrate also peeked at the snail bride. He was charmed by her beauty so he planned to take her from the man

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사또는 청년에게 장기 내기를 하자고 했어요. 우렁각시는 청년에게 말했습니다.
" 파리가 않는 곳마다 장기 돌을 놓으세요."
The district magistrate challenged the young man to play chess with him.
The snail bride said to the young man. " Move your piece wherever the fly lands."

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청년이 찾아오자 사또는 말했어요. " 내가 이기면 우렁각시를 나한테 주고, 네가 이기면 내 재산의 절반을 주마."
청년은 파리가 앉은 자리마다 장기알을 놓았어요 사또와의 내기에서 이긴 청년은 그 후 우렁각시와 행복하게 살았지요.
when the young man went to meet the district magistrate, the magistrate made a bet.
"If I win, I will take your wife. If you win, I will give you a half of my possession."
 The young man placed his chess piece whenever the fly landed.
The young man won the bet, and lived with his wife happily.